Saturday, January 5, 2019

Elle & Coach: Diabetes, the Fight for My Daughter's Life, and the Dog Who Changed Everything by Stefany Shaheen

Elle & Coach by Stefany Shaheen

I got this book as an ARC through NetGalley way back in 2015. I don't know why this book took me so long to read. It really is fabulous. I have always been a dog person and believe the great majority of dogs are very smart, smarter than the many people give dogs credit. But I'm always in awe of dogs that are service animals be it in the form of being a police dog, a drug or bomb-sniffing dog, a seeing-eye dog or less identifiable service dog, such as in this case, where Coach can detect high or low blood sugar. This was such an enjoyable read. It was well-written and provided the necessary information, but was never boring. Most ARCs do not include the photos that are included in the published book, but this one did and I appreciated that they included them. Regardless if you want to learn about Type 1 diabetes, also known as juvenile diabetes, although it does not affect only juveniles or if you are a dog lover and want to learn more about a wonderful certified diabetes dog, this is a great book.

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